Friday, July 29, 2011

Do You Think This Person Gets Pissed About The Withdrawal Fee of $2.75?

Soo what can we find out about this person by looking at their receipt?

Well one thing is for sure, they certainty have a big bank account....

East Hampton? Maybe this person is bff with Alec Baldwin...and they drink coffee on Sundays in town.

This person also made a withdrawal of $400 at hooker? 


The Amarillo Sox, an independent minor league team in Texas, were expecting to have a huge hit on their hands by unveiling a new team mascot over the weekend.

Get it!!

The Opena, slated for an August release, is an iPhone 4 case with an integrated slide out stainless steel bottle opener.

Quite An Illusion

EVOL goes to the streets for the amazing 'Buildings' series. 

By using stencils on walls or street furniture, Evol creates the illusion of buildings.


The Lave Game!!!!!

Funny Pictures - Cat Gifs

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


 Kerry Howley, a creative art student, from Cambridge, England, is creating delicate necklaces made from human hair.


The Best Time Clock Ever!!!


At the Pocatello Zoo in Idaho, Shooter (an elk) rescued a drowning marmot (a squirrel). Keepers were worried when Shooter started acting weird around his water barrel. He first tried to dip his hooves in his drinking trough, and then went his head. They were amazed when they saw Shooter lift his head out of the water clutching a tiny marmot in his mouth. They looked on as Shooter gently nudged the rodent with his hoof, to make sure it was alive - before calmly watching it run off into the bushes.
Cuteness...I heart Shooter!!! 

Sweet Ride

Bugatti Veyron L’Or Blanc

01 July 2011, 12.45 | Posted in cars | 6 comments »

Bugatti has teamed up with German porcelain manufacturers Königliche Porzellan-Manufaktur to create the one-off Veyron “L’Or Blanc”. The name means “white gold”, and the special Grand Sport uses porcelain to distinguish its body and interior in high swirly style.
The Bugatti Veyron L’or Blanc is one of a kind. The asking price for this exclusive model is €1.65 million – equivalent to $2.4 million at today’s exchange rates.

If You Give A Fish A Cookie...Its Going To Eat The Cat

Texts From Last Night

(217): Some rando is vomiting...

(217): Some rando is vomiting profusely into the garden outside the employee entrance. Where are you when things like this happen to me?
(1-217): Vomiting outside the employee entrance.

Monday, July 25, 2011


Meet the endangered crested black macaque....they are a silly bunch!

Wildlife photographer David Slater found these very rare monkeys in an Indonesian national park. He left his tripod-mounted camera unattended for a moment and of course it was snatched up faster then a banana.

The thief ended up taking hundreds of photographs, including several in-focus self portraits.

Soo cute :) 

Safety First

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Devil Himself

Is That Your Final Answer?

Friday, a producer for the Canadian branch of the show “Cash Cab” struck and killed an elderly pedestrian in Vancouver.

The driver was returning the mobile set to a storage facility after filming for the day wrapped. 

Nip It


This Woman Grew a Nipple on the Bottom of Her Foot

The Online Dermatology Journal has a fascinating paper concerning "Pseudomamma on the foot," which is to say "An unusual presentation of supernumerary breast tissue," which is to say: This woman grew a goddamn nipple on the bottom of her foot. There it is! You can see it for yourself! A foot-nipple!
The woman, aged 22, has apparently had the accursed thing since birth, and both of her breasts, as well as her other foot, have the normal number of nipples. "Supernumerary breast tissue," or SBT, which includes extra nipples, is hardly a new phenomenon—ask Zac Efron!—but, the paper's authors write, "this is the first report of SBT on the foot." We're not convinced that it isn't an incredibly elaborate viral marketing scheme for some horrible new Nike sneaker called "The Areola" or something ("So Sensitive It's Like Having a Nipple on Your Foot"); either way we have no idea how to feel about the whole thing.

Word Of The Day

Word of the Day

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


   \TSOOK-tsvahng\ , noun;
A situation in which a player is limited to moves that have a damaging effect.
Oh, he understands his position: he is in trouble, he is faced with the zugzwang to end all zugzwangs.
-- Doug Dorst, The Surf Guru
Party rulers in China are trapped in a position that chess players deeply fear - zugzwang - where any move made puts you at disadvantage.
-- Vitaliy Katsenelson, "How China Will Crash And Burn," Forbes, July, 2011
Zugzwang combines two German words, zug, "move," and zwang, "constraint."

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Unable to prevent people from urinating on their trees, Roskilde Festival in Denmark installed tree-mounted urinals by Dutch designers Aandeboom.

Man Wins Fight To Wear Pasta Strainer On His Head

An Austrian man has won a three-year battle to appear in his driver's license photo with a pasta strainer on his head. 

Niko Alm, a self-described atheist, argued he must wear the strainer for religious reasons. 

That religion is Pastafarianism, and has stemmed from being a member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster -- a satirical group that describes itself as "anti-crazy nonsense done in the name of religion. 

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster:

Yippee Skippy

Just a reminder...

Starting next Monday, Nickelodeon will start to rebroadcast old series from the 1990s .

I can't wait!!

The repeats will run between midnight and 4 a.m. under the title “The ’90s Are All That".

 Prepare yourselves....the time has come.